Rib Repositioning

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX and Westlake Hills, TX

Rib Repositioning Austin Plastic Surgeon

Rib repositioning is a revolutionary procedure designed to shrink the waist and improve the overall shape and contour of the waist. Rib repositioning avoids the recovery and morbidity of traditional rib removal. The procedure can shrink the waist up to 4 inches and is used to treat the 10th, 11th and 12th ribs in the appropriate patients.

As one of the hottest procedures in plastic surgery, rib repositioning is becoming a popular choice for individuals seeking aesthetic change for various reasons—they may be unhappy with their shape, desire body sculpting for a more defined waistline, enhance their butt and hips or wish to boost their self-confidence by improving their overall body image. Many thin patients feel as though they have a square shape and want to enhance their overall figure without over-volumizing their buttocks and hips.

If you find yourself wanting to improve your overall figure or are considering ways to improve your shape, aesthetic rib repositioning may provide beneficial outcomes. The team at Austin Plastic Surgeon is here to provide you with a tailored treatment plan that will help you look and feel your best.

For more information about rib repositioning in Austin, San Antonio, and West Lake Hills, call your nearest location or fill out our simple online form to get started.

Before and After Photos

About Rib Repositioning

Rib contouring to improve the overall appearance has always been intriguing, but also to some degree a mythical procedure. Many patients have heard about it, but very few actually know someone that has had it done. That is changing with rib repositioning. The innovative procedure has changed from something very complicated to something that is accessible for a wide range of patients. Rib repositioning is unique in that it keeps the protective nature of the ribs but truly repositions them in a way that helps shrink the waist and create a more contoured appearance. (1) Most of our patients want to simply enhance their aesthetic appearance and this is often done in combination with liposculpting or Brazilian Butt Lift procedures.

Rib repositioning is a cosmetic surgical procedure that modifies the appearance of the waist and overall torso to improve body contour and enhance a patient’s figure. This type of surgery is sometimes referred to as modern body contouring, as it reshapes the body by repositioning the ribs to create a smoother and more appealing silhouette.

What Are Floating Ribs?

Rib repositioning targets the 10th, 11th and 12th rib. The 11th and 12th ribs are also known as “floating” ribs. Floating ribs are unlike the other ribs in our body, which anchor to the sternum via costal cartilage. Instead, floating ribs do not connect to the front of the rib cage but are only attached at the back to the vertebral column. (2) They are termed “floating” because they are partially independent, allowing more flexibility.

Benefits of Rib Repositioning

  • Improved Aesthetics: Patients can achieve a more refined and proportionate waistline.
  • Enhanced Body Shape: Rib repositioning allows patients to achieve a more contoured body especially if they felt square prior to the procedure.
  • Minimally Invasive Techniques: Our surgeons utilize advanced methods to minimize scarring and reduce recovery time.
  • Increased Clothing Options: Patients can enjoy fuller freedom when selecting clothing styles that emphasize their new body contour.
  • Bespoke Solutions: Procedures at Austin Plastic Surgeon can be tailored according to the patient’s unique anatomical structure and aesthetic goals. Typically, rib repositioning will be combined with other procedures such as liposuction, fat transfer and Brazilian Butt Lift.

Rib repositioning decreases the size of the waist and can give patients an hourglass figure. It is used for patients who are very thin and want more of a shape to their torso that flows athletically into the buttock and hips, or patients who have had previous procedures and have not achieved the hourglass figure they were hoping to achieve from their surgery. The procedure can improve the overall shape and figure of the patient.

Candidates for Rib Repositioning

Several groups of patients are great candidates for rib repositioning. These include:

Patients Who Are Thin

This group of patients are in great physical shape, but they feel square. There is limited fat to transfer to the hip dips or other body areas to give them more of an hourglass figure. Patients in this group have had limited options in the past to create a shape or hourglass figure.

Brazilian Butt Lift Patients

Most of our patients who undergo a BBL want to improve their overall shape. The process of liposculpting decreases the waist, while the butt and hips are increased with fat transfer leading to an hourglass figure. However, thin patients or patients wanting more of a figure can do rib repositioning in combination with a Brazilian Butt Lift to further enhance their overall figure. This is great for patients looking for an athletic transformation. They want to improve their butt and waist, but they don’t want an overall big buttock. By contouring the waist we can create a transformation that is athletic, natural, and stunning without having to overly enlarge the buttock and hips.

Past Brazilian Butt Lift Patients

Patients who have already had a BBL are great candidates as they may have not achieved the results they desired and still feel square. If they don’t have much fat for liposuction and transfer, rib repositioning may be a great option for them.

Thin Patients Who Do Not Want a Fat Transfer

Patients that do not have any fat to transfer, or do not want to increase the size of their butt and hips can undergo rib repositioning to decrease their waist and create an hourglass figure.

Preferred Candidates

  • Patients with a square shape to their torso
  • Patients who want to decrease the size of their waist
  • You are in good physical and emotional health
  • You have realistic expectations of the result possible with rib repositioning as it will decrease the size of the waist, but is limited by the internal fat
  • If you want to improve the overall appearance of your torso and figure

Personal Consultation

Rib Repositioning Austin Plastic Surgeon

At an initial evaluation at Austin Plastic Surgeon, you will meet our surgeons and staff. They will conduct a physical exam and take your medical history to determine the best treatment for you.

Your surgeon will discuss the benefits of rib repositioning for the treatment of your waist and body contouring. During the consultation, your surgeon will also determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Our team will also discuss if other treatments in combination with the rib repositioning would be a benefit for you, such as a Brazilian butt lift or a tummy tuck. The risks and benefits of the procedure will also be discussed during your consultation.


For rib repositioning, the surgeon will identify the 10th, 11th and 12th ribs on each side. The position is confirmed with the ultrasound. The ultrasound guidance allows the incision to be small and precise. Then one cortex of the rib uses a special ultrasonic instrument that can be placed through a tiny incision and only cuts the bone and does not damage the soft tissue. This unique technology increases the safety and precision of the procedure. Once the outer cortex has been cut, the ribs can be repositioned on each side.

Our team can further explain rib repositioning during a consultation.

The procedure can be completed in about an hour and a half. This has to do with the specialized equipment that is being utilized. This special instrument allows the procedure to be done safely and efficiently as it is designed to cut the cartilage and bone, but it will not affect the muscle or other soft tissues around the rib. This unique equipment also allows the rib repositioning procedure to be done through two tiny incisions, one for each side.


Once recovered, most patients notice a harmonious and aesthetically appealing figure that flows with the entire body. By addressing the entire body shape and contour our patients commonly feel a notable enhancement in their overall appearance.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Brazilian Butt Lift

Designed to enhance the shape and size of a person’s buttocks, the BBL not only lifts and shapes the buttocks but also improves overall body contour by utilizing fat transfer techniques. Many individuals desire fuller, rounder buttocks for various reasons including aesthetic preferences, achieving an hourglass figure, or balancing out their body proportions. Combined with rib repositioning, patients can achieve comprehensive results and the body silhouette of their dreams.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that helps improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. It’s important to note that a tummy tuck isn’t a weight-loss surgery; instead, it’s ideal for those with loose skin or weakened abdominal muscles, especially after pregnancy or significant weight loss. As part of the Weight Loss Revolution, Austin Plastic Surgeon provides tailored treatments for patients experiencing the skin-sagging effects of “Ozempic body”. Regardless of your reason for choosing a tummy tuck, a well-defined and flat abdomen can enhance your body contour and boost your self-confidence.


alloClae™ has become a popular option in combination with rib repositioning for our thin patients. alloClae™ is a large volume injectable fat that can provide the body with extra volume. Patients who do not have sufficient fat deposits for extraction can use alloClae™ to smooth body contours following rib repositioning for an enhanced silhouette.

Cost of Rib Repositioning in Austin

If you are interested in enhancing your waist and torso, consider rib repositioning in Austin, San Antonio, or West Lake Hills. Our team can help you determine a treatment plan that fits your needs. Reach out to Austin Plastic Surgeon now to discuss your aesthetic goals with our surgeons.

For more information about the Weight Loss Revolution, treatments for GLP-1-related skin sagging, and other surgical and non-surgical services, see the Austin Plastic Surgeon blog.


Is rib repositioning a new type of surgery?

Rib repositioning is a completely new concept. In the past we wanted to remove the entire rib to shrink the waist, however, if we can shrink the frame of the waist, we achieve our goals, still protect the organs, and it is a much less traumatic surgery to the body.

What happens in a rib repositioning surgery?

The procedure cuts half the outer cortex of the 10th, 11th and 12 ribs, this keeps the soft tissue around the ribs, and half of the cortex. Thus, the ribs are hinged in to create a new position and then they heal in this new position over the next several weeks.

Why should I get my BBL with rib repositioning?

Patients may pursue a BBL with rib repositioning for various reasons. Some seek to enhance their curvy appearance, while others aim to achieve a balanced silhouette that increases self-confidence. By embracing these surgical techniques, individuals can enjoy longer-lasting results compared to non-surgical options and experience healthy changes with careful planning.​​

Is rib repositioning painful?

Discomfort is manageable and usually alleviated with prescribed medication during early recovery stages. Patients compare the sensation to muscle soreness post-exercise.

What should I expect during rib repositioning recovery?

During recovery, you may experience swelling and bruising, and limited mobility in the torso area. It will be important to attend follow-up appointments to monitor your healing. Your surgeon will provide instructions on wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up visits.


  1. Celal Tekinbaş, Zeki Oğuzhan Bayraklı. Overview of chest wall deformities. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024;32(Supplementum 1):78-88. doi:https://doi.org/10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2024.25899
  2. Safarini OA, Bordoni B. Anatomy, Thorax, Ribs. PubMed. Published 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538328/