Ozempic Butt

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX and Westlake Hills, TX

Ozempic Butt Austin, TX

The concept of Ozempic Butt in Austin has garnered significant attention in the aesthetic industry. With the rise in popularity of weight loss medications like the GLP-1 receptor agonists (semaglutide), such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Tirzepatide, patients are experiencing remarkable weight loss results. However, this rapid loss of weight can lead to changes in fat distribution, including a reduction in unwanted fat in the abdomen and potentially in the buttocks. We will explore various body sculpting treatment options to address the phenomenon known as Ozempic Butt.

What is Ozempic Butt?

Ozempic Butt refers to the situation where Austin patients, who have undergone significant weight loss through medications like Ozempic, experience a decrease in fat in areas they no longer wish to lose fat, such as the abdomen, and potentially in areas they desire to maintain fullness, such as the buttocks. This can create an imbalance in body proportions, affecting the overall aesthetic appearance.


Skin Laxity

The semaglutide medications such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Tirzepatide have been incredible tools for patients on their weight loss journey. Rapid weight loss can lead to skin laxity in various areas of the body, including the buttocks. Skin laxity is an important topic to address, as we do not want to depend solely on filling the buttocks.

Volume Loss

Weight loss can affect any areas of the body that have a collection of fat, including the butt. It is important to understand that the butt has several components, the deep gluteal muscles and the more superficial adipose tissue that comprise the volume of the buttock. The Austin Ozempic butt affects fat loss throughout the body, including the buttock.


The aesthetic goals of the buttock continue to evolve to create a more athletic-appearing buttock. While the use of semaglutide medications such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Tirzepatide do not directly affect cellulite, it is part of the fit and fabulous journey. As patients embark on their lifestyle changes, they often want to do everything possible to improve the overall appearance of the buttocks. One of the keys to giving patients the athletic butt they desire is the treatment of cellulite.

What Treatments Are Available for Ozempic Butt?

There are several options in Austin for Ozempic Butt depending on the degree of volume loss, skin laxity, and presence of cellulite. It is important to address all the factors of Ozempic Butt to achieve your desired aesthetic results. The changes to the butt are often caused by several factors and thus typically take a combination of the following treatments.

Brazilian Butt Lift

The aesthetic goals of the butt continue to evolve and have led us to the Modern BBL, which is a more athletic-appearing buttock and not solely dependent on size and volume. Many of our patients with Ozempic Butt want to have a Brazilian Butt Lift with the goal of shaping their body to create a more athletic appearance while restoring the volume that they have lost in their buttocks during the semaglutide therapy. Brazilian Butt Lift is typically an option for patients wanting a more significant change or patients that need more volume than is possible with off-the-shelf fillers.


Fillers have always been a popular option for patients wanting a less invasive option to fill their buttocks. The non-surgical BBL with Sculptra is an option for patients needing a more subtle change or wanting to enhance very specific areas. Sculptra has the unique property of stimulating collagen, which has made it extremely popular for patients during the weight loss revolution. It is important to remember that a butt filled with Sculptra will not have the same appearance as a Brazilian Butt Lift; however, it also does not have the same downtime as a BBL.

Hyper Dilute Radiesse

Radiesse has continued to gain popularity with some of the unique methods that have been developed over the past several years. The hyper-dilute Radiesse has been shown to have collagen stimulation properties along with the natural fill available with the product itself. This gives patients the benefit of an immediate fill and long-term collagen stimulation.


RF energy has become one of the hottest treatments during the weight loss revolution as patients lose a significant amount of weight and feel absolutely fabulous but want solutions to their skin laxity. Renuvion is a unique solution to skin laxity as it is radiofrequency energy combined with helium that allows the device to reach the optimal energy level to cause skin tightening and then cooling almost instantly. Renuvion can be used to treat skin laxity in the buttock and a host of other areas where patients have skin laxity.

RF Microneedling (Vivace, Morpheus 8)

Radiofrequency micro-needling has continued to gain popularity for the treatment of the buttocks and thighs as the concept of buttock beauty continues to evolve. Morpheus 8 and Vivace are two of the hottest RF micro-needling devices available to patients currently. Vivace and Morpheus 8 are able to tighten the skin and improve the overall contour of the skin. This can improve the overall skin tone and appearance of the butt and thighs.


The treatment of muscle in the buttock (and other body parts) has become extremely exciting in the treatment of Ozempic Butt and helping patients achieve their Modern Brazilian Butt Lift appearance as patients have been seeking a more toned, athletic appearance. Emsculpt is designed to help stimulate muscle in the buttock. This will increase the volume in the buttock and create a more lifted and toned buttock. This will help treat some of the skin laxity and increase the volume of the buttocks in an athletic way. Emsulpt is best when done in packages and combined with exercise, as it will enhance the work you are doing personally!

Combining Other Treatments

When patients undergo weight loss with semaglutide therapy such as Ozempic, Wegovy, or Tirzepatide, patients can lose weight everywhere. From a health standpoint, this can be beneficial if you are overweight or obese. However, from an aesthetic appearance, this can give the face a deflated appearance, leading to skin laxity of the neck and ptosis of the buttocks. Most of our patients in Austin will develop a comprehensive treatment plan to help them reach their aesthetic goals after Ozempic Face and Body.

Ideal Candidate

There are several groups of patients in Austin that are great candidates for the treatment of Ozempic Butt.

  • Patients with mild to severe weight loss caused by semaglutide therapy.
  • Patients want to improve the overall appearance of their butt and thighs.
  • Patients with reasonable expectations from the treatment of Ozempic Butt.
  • Patients are in overall good physical and emotional health.
  • Patients want to improve their overall aesthetic appearance.

Your Ozempic Butt Consultation?

  • Patients will present for their evaluation, where they will meet one of our providers to discuss treatment options for Ozempic Butt.
  • A medical history and physical exam will be done by your provider to determine the best treatment for you.
  • The risks and benefits of the procedure will also be discussed during your consultation.


The procedure is performed at the office or surgery center, depending on the specific treatment. The procedure ranges from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the specific treatment that you and your provider decided on to help you reach your aesthetic needs. It is important to remember that Ozempic Butt in Austin may need a series of treatments in Austin to help you achieve your desired results. Patients can typically return to work the same day after in-office treatments. Surgical treatments such as a BBL will often require a week or two to recover. After the treatment, patients can have some bruising, swelling, and discomfort. However, these are typically minimal.

Reach out to our team now to learn more about your treatment options for Ozempic Butt.