Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Austin, TX, San Antonio, TX and Westlake Hills, TX

When you want to address a double chin but do not want to go under the knife, Kybella may be the right procedure for you. Kybella is a targeted, minimally invasive cosmetic injection that permanently dissolves fat and removes it from your chin. With Kybella in San Antonio, you can achieve a defined chin, a more chiseled face, and a more angular jawline–without any scalpels or scars. This procedure is ideal for male or female patients who experience a soft chin, an undefined chin, or a double chin.
Kybella is popular among our male clients who wish to have a more masculine-looking face with a sharp, chiseled jawline. For our female clients, it is equally as popular to reduce the look of a baby face and fat face and enhance the angularity of the jawline. This treatment can transform your face and bring balance to your facial features.
What Can Kybella Treat?
Our San Antonio team primarily uses Kybella to eliminate fat from the chin. It is ideal for patients with a double chin or chin fullness. It uses a special bio-compatible compound to target unwanted chin fat, allowing your body to break down the fat and eliminate it through your lymphatic system. Kybella is safe, FDA-approved, and can permanently erase fat from the chin.
The Kybella Injection Procedure
First, our injectors will cleanse your skin. Then they will mark where they will administer the Kybella injections. The injections are typically painless. You may start noticing results after four weeks, as they are gradual. You will see full results within three months.
How Many Sessions of Kybella Will I Need?
Most patients need three to six Kybella sessions in San Antonio for optimal results. There is some individual variation in the number of sessions required because each patient has different needs and a different chin profile. Each session takes less than half an hour and is performed at our office by one of our professionally trained and licensed medical injectors.
Once you finish your Kybella treatments, you do not need touch-ups. Once Kybella destroys your fat cells, these cells are destroyed permanently–they will never grow back. Therefore, your results from Kybella should be long-lasting as long as you carefully follow the aftercare instructions provided by our expert team.
Contact Us Today to Discuss Kybella at Our San Antonio Location
Kybella is one of the leading non-surgical treatments that permanently eliminates chin fullness. In just a few short sessions, you can achieve a perfectly defined, angular, and chiseled jawline. This treatment is ideal for men and women who wish to enhance the appearance of their chin and jaw structure.
During your initial consultation, we will work with your unique skin needs and concerns to design a personalized plan to help you achieve the most out of your Kybella treatment. Our team will take care to understand your aesthetic goals and establish the best and safest Kybella procedure for you. If you want to learn more about Kybella in San Antonio, call our clinic today.