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Is Loose Skin Giving Your Arms the “Bat Wing” Look?

Excess sagging skin can be a massive detriment to your overall look. Sagging skin can occur anywhere on the body, and the appearance of areas like your neck, face, thighs, stomach, and arms can be significantly disturbed by a moderate amount of skin sagging.

Massive changes in your weight, aging, and gravity can give your upper arms a “bat wing” look. This is characterized by long flaps of excess uneven skin that hang down from your arms, reminiscent of the long stretches of skin that comprise a bat’s wings. This unsightly issue can make it difficult to feel comfortable in clothing and can negatively affect your self-confidence.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Johnny Franco can restore the tight and toned appearance of your upper arms with an arm lift procedure. Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Franco.